
Ketsons Private Limited

We are the only importer of Chlorine Dioxide from North America in Pakistan. Chlorine Dioxide is the only strong antimicrobial agent, which has been improved by FDA, EPA and EU for use in human drinking water. It is pH independent, temperature insensitive, has no color no taste and no smell/odor. It does not produce THMs, thus safest for human consumption. Moreover, it has also been mentioned as preferred chemical in WHO's Guidelines for drinking water manual.

Profile Description

We are the only importer of Chlorine Dioxide from North America in Pakistan. Chlorine Dioxide is the only strong antimicrobial agent, which has been improved by FDA, EPA and EU for use in human drinking water. It is pH independent, temperature insensitive, has no color no taste and no smell/odor. It does not produce THMs, thus safest for human consumption. Moreover, it has also been mentioned as preferred chemical in WHO’s Guidelines for drinking water manual.
Chlorine dioxide can be used in bottled water industry to eliminate drinking water contaminants. Public water tanks, pools etc. There are tooo many applications, if you want further information, please do not hesitate to call or email.

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