
Raees Faheem Associates

Raees Faheem Associates is an architectural firm, based in Lahore, established by two like minded architects in 1994 who poaled together their design and construction management capabilities and gave emergence to a style of expression at their own

Profile Description

Raees Faheem Associates is an architectural firm, based in Lahore, established by two like minded architects in 1994 who poaled together their design and construction management capabilities and  gave emergence to a style of expression at their own. Taught and groomed at National College of Arts (Mayo School of Arts, Pakistan, they proceeded further to enhance their design abilities at the hands of their mentor Wasit Ali Khan.

The firm has been known For its work, over 17 years of experimentation and research in the fields of architecture and design. It has successfully emerged  creating a unique sense of space, a more responsive attitude towards the context of space, traditions, culture and construction techniques. Raees Faheem design team Focuses at creating innovative, cost effective and energy efficient designs developing a rigorous equilibrium between architectire and and landscape.

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Pakistan, Lahore
Phone: 92-42-35755609
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