
ACE (Pvt) Limited

"Nature does not supply all things to man, but merely offers opportunity to secure all things, and a condition where man controls the element is inestimably superior to a condition where the elements control man" (late K. Azeemuddin). Such had been the vision of a man who helped change the course of mighty waters. Mr. Khaja Azeemuddin, a renowned engineer of the subcontinent, was the mind behind what is known today as Associated Consulting Engineers – ACE (Pvt) Ltd. He conceived the idea in 1958 and fashioned a team of highly dedicated and skilled professionals to create a world class engineering consultancy organisation. Now after almost half a century of operations, ACE has established itself as the oldest and premier consulting house of Pakistan in the private sector, offering a complete range of services in almost all the engineering fields. ACE is a multidisciplinary and multisectoral organization and is proud of having an enviable record of successfully completing more than 1200 projects valued over US $ 25.0 billion, both within the country and abroad, in various engineering, rural development and social sectors.

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Nature does not supply all things to man, but merely offers opportunity to secure all things, and a condition where man controls the element is inestimably superior to a condition where the elements control man” (late K. Azeemuddin).

Such had been the vision of a man who helped change the course of mighty waters. Mr. Khaja Azeemuddin, a renowned engineer of the subcontinent, was the mind behind what is known today as Associated Consulting Engineers – ACE (Pvt) Ltd. He conceived the idea in 1958 and fashioned a team of highly dedicated and skilled professionals to create a world class engineering consultancy organisation.

Now after almost half a century of operations, ACE has established itself as the oldest and premier consulting house of Pakistan in the private sector, offering a complete range of services in almost all the engineering fields. ACE is a multidisciplinary and multisectoral organization and is proud of having an enviable record of successfully completing more than 1200 projects valued over US $ 25.0 billion, both within the country and abroad, in various engineering, rural development and social sectors.


ACE’s professional and support staff permanently employed in Pakistan and abroad currently number over 600. In addition ACE has a large number of Associate Consultants who work with the firm as and when required. Specialization of technical and support personnel employed by the company include:

  •  Engineers
  •  Hydrologists
  •  Geologists
  •  Architects
  •  Town Planners
  •  Agricultural Experts
  •  Soil and Water Scientists
  •  Environmentalists
  •  Sociologists
  •  Economists
  •  Financial Experts
  •  MIS Experts
  •  Surveyors & Supervisors
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